Up Next: Momentum Dev Conference


Brandon Bruno


I'll be speaking at the Momentum Developer Conference in Cincinnati, OH this coming Thursday, October 19th!

I'm presenting This is a Promise That You'll Understand Asynchronous Programming with JavaScript for the third time in a year. This is a Promise focuses on teaching the fundamentals of asynchronous programming, attemps to clear some common misconceptions about how asynchronous code works, then dives into its most-used form on the web: JavaScript Promises. While mostly an introductory topic, this presentation does cover some more advanced Promise APIs near the end.

The latest version of this presentation features new content about the browser event loop and clarifications on some Promise APIs. Here's a preview of an updated slide about the lifecycle of a Promise:

A slide from my presentation describing the lifecycle of a JavaScript promise.

This will be a quickly-paced 50-minute presentation, so if you're in the Cincinnati area next week, come out and check out the conference!

The full schedule is located here: Momentum Schedule.

Tickets are available here: Momentum Tickets.